Do I need a water softener?

Not all homes have a water softener. Those that do often fall into one of two  categories: their water is exceptionally hard or they have high levels of iron (rust) in  their water. And unless they fall into one of those two situations, many homeowners will  ask themselves, “Do I need a water softener?” 

In our opinion, yes you do need a water softener. Here are four big reasons why you  should consider letting us install one for you. 

Helps with skin issues 

Although our next three reasons are important, our first reason for why you need a  water softener is health-related. Many of us experience dry, flaky skin. Our bodies need  water to survive, and a water softener helps yours stay silky smooth and healthy all  year long. If you’re experiencing constant skin issues and can’t quite figure out why,  consider the health benefits of adding a water softener to your plumbing system! 

Save money 

In many ways, a water softener can help you save money. Our previous example  focused on your skin, consider how much you spend each year on moisturizing cream  to combat dry skin. Beauty products are expensive, and a water softener can reduce  your need for them. 

Beyond your body, however, you can also save significant sums of money through  improved efficiency. This includes using less soap in the shower and more efficient  usage of shampoo (also leading to stronger, healthier hair). 

It also includes other cost savings reducing your energy consumption, as your various  water-based appliances will work more effectively. In addition, your clothes will be  brighter, saving on wear and tear as well as slowing down that dreaded faded and  worn look. 

Protect your plumbing 

A water softener can also help protect your plumbing in two important ways: 

• Less calcium and mineral buildup in your lines 

• And better water flow in your fixtures, including your shower head and sink  faucets. 

As plumbing can be a headache to replace, keeping your lines clear and functioning  properly will save you both time and money down the road. 

Everything is cleaner 

The final reason why you need a water softener is that everything will be cleaner in your  home. Dishwashers may be convenient, but they’re even more effective when your  water is soft and has adequate flow. Of course, the lack of mineral deposits in your  water will mean that your glassware will have fewer spots and be much more clear.

Beyond the kitchen, a water softener will lead to less soap scum on shower walls,  which will make your cleaning much easier. And finally, we mentioned your clothes  earlier. Beyond maintaining their colors and reducing wear, soft water helps to make  your clothes cleaner. 

If you need a water softener, let us know 

From keeping your skin smoother to helping you save money and protect your  plumbing, these three reasons alone are great examples of why you need a water  softener. And of course, everything that uses water will be cleaner from your dishes to  your shower walls to your clothes and beyond. 

Would you like to learn more about our water softener installation services? Then let us  know by sending us a message here or requesting a free quote online here!

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