Five Easy Water Heater Maintenance Tips For Fall & Winter

Water heater maintenance is important during the fall and winter months in northern Utah, and here are some easy tips to get your system ready!

Hot Water Heater

Household maintenance is something that every homeowner in northern Utah has to take seriously, and this is especially the case during the fall and winter months when our region turns into a winter paradise.

We understand how it can sometimes feel overwhelming to focus on everything that needs to be done this time of year, which is why it’s important to keep it practical when you’re looking into water heater maintenance.

Maintaining your home’s water heater doesn’t always have to be complex and expensive, and below we’ll be detailing five easy ways to maintain your water heater during the fall and winter months!

1. Get An Insulating Blanket For Your Water Heater Tank

If your water heater feels warm when you touch it, then it could be a good idea to purchase an insulating blanket for your tank. The same thing goes for your pipes that are connected to your water heater, because pipe insulation is crucial here in northern Utah.

What’s great about an insulating blanket is that it’ll help you improve the energy efficiency of your water heater, which subsequently improves the appliance’s overall cost-effectiveness. You’ll be able to turn your unit’s thermostat down by about four degrees, without losing any heating capacity.

Pipe and tank insulation is an important step for every northern Utah homeowner, and we’ve helped countless households to decrease their energy bills during the fall and winter months by making the most of this simple strategy!

2. Test Your Water Heater’s Temperature/Pressure Release Valve

Your water heater entails a pressure and temperature release valve, which is a small lever that’s usually attached to a long pipe. Testing this valve is a crucial water heater maintenance step, and it usually only entails opening up the valve and examining how water comes out of the discharging pipe.

If water flows normally, it means that your release valve is functioning correctly, but you could require more extensive repairs when water only slightly trickles out of your opened valve.

This temperature and pressure release valve may seem harmless, but it’s actually a vital component of your entire water heating system. The general purpose of this valve is to relieve pressure from your water heater tank when pressure levels get too high, so it’s crucial for you and your household’s safety this winter!

3. Verify Proper Anode Rod Functionality

Most people don’t know that their water heaters have an anode rod, because it technically is a pretty unassuming component of your water heating system. However, anode rods are crucial when it comes to avoiding premature tank rusting, and they help maintain the overall longevity of residential water heaters.

That’s why it’s so important to verify the functionality of your water heater’s anode rod this fall. Yearly inspections are generally recommended for this vital component, and this is partly because anode rod corrosion is a particularly troubling issue here in northern Utah.

But the good news is that our water heater specialists will be sure to thoroughly analyze your anode rod’s functionality while conducting any seasonal maintenance inspections!

4. Properly Drain Your Home’s Water Heater

Although it may seem counterintuitive to regularly drain and replace the water that’s in your water heater tank, the truth is that you should be flushing out your water heater at least on a yearly basis. Sediment buildup is a huge issue in our region, and this is a common issue that people experience when they don’t flush their tank and allow minerals to build up on the bottom of water heater tanks.

Water heater draining is also helpful when it comes to preventing rust, maintaining energy efficiency, and helping you save on your utility bills.

5. Change Your Unit’s Temperature Settings

Water heater temperature settings can often change without people noticing, so it’s also a good idea to check up on your unit’s temperature settings this time of year. This is usually a pretty easy, DIY-type of inspection, but it may require professional help in some scenarios.

Changing and confirming your water heater’s temperature settings will often depend upon the type of water heater you own, so be sure that you’re getting professional help when you aren’t sure about your unit’s product details.

Reach Out To Beehive Heating & Air For Your Next Water Heater Maintenance Appointment!

Beehive Heating & Air is a top-tier HVAC service provider for the entire northern Utah region, and this is the time of year when we’re constantly helping homeowners with water heater maintenance appointments.

Our experts are here to prepare your home’s most valuable appliances for the upcoming winter season, so reach out to us online or give us a call at 801-849-3860 to speak with our water heater team today!

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