Questions to Ask About Your New HVAC Contractor

Is it time for your annual HVAC service appointment? Or have you been noticing problems with your system and need air conditioning repair before the summer season hits in full swing? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you’re probably wondering how to choose the right HVAC contractor for your needs. 

However, before you spend hours trying to figure out the answer, stop. We’ve put together an easy list of five things to help you choose the right HVAC contractor for your heating and cooling needs.

Are they state-certified?

The first, and possibly most important, consideration for how to choose the right HVAC contractor is whether they are state-certified. This demonstrates that they’re committed to doing things the right way. It also highlights that the HVAC contractor you’re evaluating is not a fly-by-night operation because they’ve taken the time to certify their operation with the state of Utah.

What training do they have?

Next, does the AC company you’re considering provide training? However, perhaps a more accurate question would be have they received training and do they continually receive it?

The point here is that things change. Certifications need to be renewed, and an HVAC contractor needs to understand the latest ins and outs of heating and air systems.

What do online reviews say about them?

So now that you’ve narrowed your list of potential contractors down, the next thing to do is to read what others have said about them. Read Google reviews, Facebook ratings, and other platforms such as Yelp to get a feel for how they’ve treated other customers.

Do they have a digital presence?

And along those same lines, another way to choose the right HVAC contractor is to review their online presence. By that, we’re referring to both their website and their social media platforms. As a rule of thumb, a quality HVAC company will have an updated website that accurately lists each of the services they provide. Ideally, they will have an ongoing blog section where they answer questions as well as provide valuable tips and insights. In terms of their social media platforms, if they’re updating regularly it demonstrates that they’re active and ready to engage with their customers.

Do your friends and family recommend them?

Finally, along the lines of social media, don’t be afraid to ask your family, friends, and other connections who they would recommend for HVAC service. You can ask them about specific companies or use a broader “I’m looking for…” type of post that often puts your question in front of more of your network. 

Choose the right HVAC contractor by calling Beehive Heating and Air!

Of course, if you want to save yourself the research steps above, there’s an even easier answer. Simply contact Beehive Heating and Cooling for all of your HVAC service needs. We’ll gladly help you with any problem you may have and provide each customer with a world-class experience.

Ready to get started? Then request a free quote here or call us for more information at (801) 980-0903.

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