Seven HVAC Questions and Answers

hvac repairman wearing a yellow hard hat kneeling in front of HVAC unit giving thumbs up

We routinely provide solutions to popular HVAC questions and answers on our blog.  Although you can find extensive articles and insights there, today we thought we’d  recap seven of the more common HVAC questions and answers homeowners have,  starting with the basics. 

What does HVAC stand for? 

Question number one kicks off with a simple one: what does HVAC stand for? This one  is easy: Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning. And believe it or not, there is a silent R  in HVAC, standing for Refrigeration. This brings us to question number two… 

What types of fuel do HVAC systems need? 

Because HVAC covers refrigeration, does that mean you need to recharge your air  conditioner with freon (like you do with a vehicle)? Generally speaking, you won’t need  to unless there is a leak.  

However, that’s just one type of “fuel” for an HVAC system, primarily for your air  conditioning unit. Your furnace will use one of several other types of fuel, including: 

• Natural gas; 

• Propane, or; 

• Electric. 

How long will an HVAC system last? 

This is a complex question, though we’ll break it down by the primary systems: your  furnace, your air conditioning unit, and your ductwork. 

The latter is easy: ductwork should last fifteen to twenty years. Your air conditioning  unit, barring any unforeseen problems and proper maintenance, should last  approximately ten years. 

Your furnace is the heart of your HVAC system, and some of its components may need  to be replaced before the main unit itself. A blower motor may last around five years,  while your boiler or furnace itself has an additional ten. 

Why does my HVAC system smell? 

HVAC systems should not routinely produce smells. If they do, it points to a problem  with the airflow, moisture buildup, or even a potential gas leak. You should always  contact an HVAC technician if you start noticing smells from your HVAC system. 

Does my HVAC system use a filter? 

Yes, all HVAC systems use a filter. We wrote an extensive blog post covering the  various types, which you can check out HERE. However, the important thing to  understand is that your system does use a filter and it should be replaced every three  to six months.

Is my HVAC system compatible with a smart thermostat? 

Most modern HVAC systems are compatible with a smart thermostat. There are some  considerations to keep in mind, such as wiring and whether you have a single-stage or  two-stage furnace. Your HVAC technician can help you determine which you have plus  your wiring situation. 

Is it important to have an annual HVAC inspection? 

If there was a single, most important question on this list, it would be this one. HVAC  inspections serve a variety of purposes, not the least of which is safety. Inspections  can identify preventative maintenance tasks you need to have completed soon, ensure  your system is safe for use, and identify smaller issues before they become larger  problems. 

Responding to your HVAC questions and answers  

Beehive Heating and Air is Salt Lake City’s premier HVAC contractor. We also help with other home needs, including plumbing services.  Regardless of the age of your home or the condition of your HVAC system, we have a  solution that can help. Contact us whenever you need HVAC maintenance, assistance,  or would like a free online quote for our services!

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